Product Design

During my tenure at Mark43, I focused on designing our 911 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), a product actively used to dispatch over 20,000 emergency calls every day.

In partnership with product and engineering, I created research-informed solutions that supported multiple user groups across devices.
Over time, my impact grew from individual features to supporting the entire organization as a design leader.

Case Studies

Create and Search for Entities

We built a search and add workflow that creates better data and more contextual awareness for emergency response.

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Adapting a Design System

I enabled the design and engineering teams to adapt a new design system by auditing and redesigning components to fit product needs.

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Rules Engine for Fire Response

Our team built a rules engine for fire departments to set up the most efficient responses for any emergency scenario.

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Other Deliverables

Aside from designing features, I’ve created many other kinds of deliverables for for the product, design, and engineering teams:

  • Advising technical intiatives

  • Process and onboarding documentation

  • Solutioning Workshops

  • Design talks

  • Team retrospectives

Other things I’ve designed